Publicații ale echipei
A. Carti:
Expertiza didactică universitară, Editura ASCR, 2010, D. Opre.
Evaluarea academică, M. Miclea, D. Opre, 2002
Calitate și performanță în activitatea didactică universitară, 2013, coordonatori A. Opre, M. Miclea, R. Iucu
B. Studii in jurnale:
Opre A., Opre A., D. (Summer 2006). The Gender Sterotype Threat And The Academic Performance Of Women's University Teaching Staff. Journal for the Study of Religons&Ideologies14. (What Does Feminism Need? Challenges and Developments in Gender Studies), pp 41-50, ISSN 15830039
Opre, A., Opre, D. (2006). Quality asssurance in higher education: professional development. Cogniţie Creier Comportament. 10(3), pp 421-438, ISSN: 1224-8398
Opre, D.(2015).Adaptive expertise: efficiency and innovation. Cognition, Brain, Behavior. Volume XIX, No. 2 (June), 115-128.
Opre, D.,Opre A. (2012). Teaching expertise: veterans and experts in higher education institutions.Journal of Educational Sciences.
University teaching: didactic expertise reflected by metacognitive abilities and emotional control
A cognitive behavioral approach of university staff didactic expertise
Faculty Development: Teaching Staff Needs, Knowledge and Priorities